Thursday, August 04, 2011

Liberal bias from Milwaukee Journal Sentinal

The Journal thinks they have no liberal bias but it is evident in every word they use. I got an email with a suburban round up of articles. Today they focused on the Darling /Pasch election on Tuesday. Notice the words my friends.

What I read is:

Darling defends, contentious, out of touch, a friend to the rich, and a politician more concerned with politics than legislation.

Pasch is familiar and aims to switch houses.

Journal liberal bias, I think yes.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Thank you Governor Walker

Gov. Walker signed the new budget to a large cheerful crowd and a few sad union spoil sports. Thank you for the work done for this state. Thank you for helping to save a state that was heading to bankruptcy and turning it around with some fiscal common sense.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The new great 2012 GOP logo

Getting ready for the 2012 GOP campaign and some artistic folks have designed a great logo to merge the GOP with Tea Party principles.

Feel free to pass it on. I'm checking out prices on printing bumper stickers.

Back to spring

OK, I was a little dramatic yesterday with the photo of the snow covered lawn. It wasn't THAT cold yesterday...just felt that way. This is what the yard really looks like....

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Winter Weather

As I cut the lawn today in 2 layers of clothes and still got a chill in me, I have to say this is not the spring I hoped for. I know global warming is bunk but I would like a warm spring and summer. We have such a short season here in Wisconsin I look forward to the brief periods of warmth.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

I haven't posted lately about the children. Between work, school and family life just flies by. Hubby and I have seen some positive changes with medication changes and therapy. My daughter is doing well in school and will complete 3rd grade this year. My son still struggles and every year my husband and I ask that he be held back and the school talks us out of it. This year we are insisting he repeat 4th grade. He is emotionally immature, physically small and is at a 2nd grade reading level. As long as the two children are not in the same class it should be fine. My son agrees and seems happy not to move to 5th grade where the differences will be only further highlighted.

I only wish our Governor Walker would change the school voucher program to include people like us. Middle class with special needs students. I would love them to go to a Catholic school but none can accommodate our children's educational needs. But my sons education and money is ours, our taxes contributed, and we should be able to use it anyway we want. If our parish school had 6-8 thousand dollars they could afford a special education teacher for the few children that would attend.

So, here is why mom's day is so special. Breakfast in bed and handmade "I love you cards".

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Obama_the smallest man in the room.

Obama looks so small.

I am fascinated by the photo of the Bin Laden operation and the final minutes of his capture and death.
I look at this photo and have to comment on our presidents demeanor. The other men and women look engaged, deliberate and resolute. Obama looks so small, he wants to make this all go away. He looks like a kid in a room of grown-ups who doesn't really belong there. He also looks like he might be ill or sick and someone in the room would say its OK to go to bed, we can handle this.  I think of Bush at the 9/11 site so strong and forceful and this little man who is lost in a job that overwhelms him. He really just wants to hang out with the cool kids and have parties and brag about BB picks. He doesn't want to make the hard decisions, this is what his posture and demeanor tell us.

 Let's allow Obama to run along now and lets find someone who can make decisions when the job is difficult. Someone who doesn't look so overwhelmed by the job of president.

                                             Photo Credit: Reuters/White House/Pete Souza/Handout

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Bin Laden is dead

Bin Laden is dead and confirmed by many reliable sources.

Michelle Malkin
Latest reports via Fox News live right now are that he was killed over a week ago by a US missile. There are conflicting reports on whether he was killed in Afghanistan (CBS) or Pakistan (CNN).

Gateway Pundit
The US has his body. His death was confirmed through DNA testing.

CBS reports OBL was "shot in the head."

Atlass Shrugs
God bless the US military. We killed him.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sexual violence on college campuses

There are a few, simple antidotes to the alleged campus-rape crisis: Don’t drink yourself blotto. Don’t get into bed with one of your fellow drunken revelers. Keep your clothes on.

Here is an excellant article from NRO about the sexual assault crisis on college campuses. Hint: it's all about drinking and poor choices.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Partisan hatred and mental illness

No joke, when partisan hatred gets you to the level of the people at Wonkette, you’ve gone from politically active to having a mental illness.

When a liberal blog site has slumped to a level so low that they make fun of a baby, they have crossed over to the dark side.

Mental illness is my business, and the ravings I have heard from state workers, teachers and union thugs would warrant observation and a three day hold.

If I decided to remark about Obama's daughters, maybe a comment about their looks, the clothes they wear, goofy things they do. This would be rude and uncalled for as they are just children.

But liberals can protest in front of Scott Walkers private home when he is not home but his teen age children are..RUDE. Liberals can make fun of Sarah Palins baby, but not just a regular baby, that would be bad enough, no, this is a Downs syndrome baby, so a disabled child,,, SO VERY RUDE.

So, let's get back to the mental illness, what will we call it. According to the DSM-IV we have adjustment disorders, histrionic personality disorder, that's one liberals do well. Think drums. Think shouting "shame". Think Kloppy, she looks like a ....wait, that would be rude and I don't feel like going there today.

Either way the liberals in Wisconsin and the nation teeter on the edge of the dark side. Some have even crossed over.
Thank you:  IMAO

Thursday, April 21, 2011

JoAnne Kloppenburg Wisconsin Supreme Court election recount

This post was written by my extremely bright and articulate nephew, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Hello all!

As you all probably have heard this already, JoAnne Kloppenburg has asked for a recount of the entire state on the Wisconsin Supreme Court election, given the issues that came up from a few weeks ago. I was discussing this with my family last night over dinner and I was bent over backward on what Kloppenburg was asking for. Recounts can be very useful and can possibly change the outcome of elections, but in this case, the issue has been dealt with, yet JoAnne Kloppenburg insists on squeezing money out of our pockets.

You hear me right! Because of the Wisconsin Recount Procedures, since the difference between the votes was small enough, the cost for the recount is coming at... not JoAnne Kloppenburg...


Normally, if the margin of votes was larger, Kloppbenburg would be responsible for the recount's cost. The recount cost is set at $5 per ward of each county. Now, if she was just going to recall a few counties, we would be talking about a few hundred dollars, maybe nearing $1000. But instead, because she is issuing a STATEWIDE recount, it would cost her $34,530. She has the right to do this; she is a candidate.


Her request for a recount would put citizens of Wisconsin on the paying end...


I've been checking website after website to verify this, and I have seen anywhere from $1.1 - $1.5 million it will cost, basing it on estimates for labor, new ballot machines, and other expenses combined.


There's a reason the electoral process is very effective and has worked, even with error. Even when human error arises, those responsible have admitted to their mistake, take corrective actions, and brought the process back to running efficiently. During the recount process, because the ballot machines are unusable for 30 days after the recount has been issued, other elections during this time where those ballot machines would normally be used still need to happen.

They will need to get new machines. Guess who gets to pay that bill...

WE DO...

They will need to get people to come in to count, validate, process, and whatever else goes on during the recount process. Guess who gets to pay them...

WE DO...

Guess who gets to pay any other expenses that come up during the recount process...

WE DO!!!


IN HER OWN WORDS, "A recount may change the outcome of this election, or it may confirm it. If there is doubt, we must remove it."


For a Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate, making us pay for HER doubt is... Just plain wasteful!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

It’s business as usual in the Muslim world

It’s business as usual in the Muslim world.

• Afghanistan: A Muslim convert to Christianity was seized and, according to sharia's apostasy laws, awaits execution.

• Bangladesh: A Christian man was arrested for distributing Bibles near Muslims. Since Wednesday, thousands of Muslims have been rioting, injuring dozens — not because of Jones, but in protestation of women's rights.

• Egypt: A Muslim mob burned down another Coptic church and dozens of Christian homes; when Christians protested, the military opened fire on them while crying "Allahu Akbar," killing nine. Another mob cut a Christian man's ear off "according to sharia."

• Ethiopia: Muslims went on a rampage burning down nearly 70 churches, killing at least one Christian, and dislocating as many as 10,000. Christians living in Muslim majority regions are being warned to either convert to Islam, abandon their homes, or die.

• Malaysia: Authorities detained and desecrated thousands of Bibles.

• Pakistan: Two Christians were shot to death as they exited church; a Christian serving life in prison for "blasphemy" died in his cell under suspicious circumstances and appears to have been murdered.

• Saudi Arabia: An Eritrean Christian was arrested for sharing his faith with Muslims and is facing the death penalty; other missionaries continue to languish in Saudi prisons.

• Somalia and Sudan: Christian girls — including a mother of four — were recently abducted, raped, and killed for embracing Christianity.

Is this really the religion of peace or if they say it enough times are we supposed to believe it?

Come on, let’s just start calling it by the cult it is and not recognize it as an important religion that should be respected.

Read Wafa Sultan’s “A God who Hates”

As Ms. Sultan writes:

‘Why do they hate us?’ is ‘Because Muslims hate their women, and any group who hates their women can’t love anyone else.’ Why do they hate their women? ‘Because their God does.’ (p.7)

HT: Victor Davis Hanson

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Help the recall Senators and elect Prosser

After the chaos in Madison and the crazy left's response to  legal lawful legislation by the Republican Senate, Assembly and the signature of the Budget Repair Bill by Governor Walker I want to remind us all
to be strong, do not be deterred and help those who are facing recalls (see below) and help elect Prosser to the Supreme Court. This is our number one goal at this time.
Prosser has yard signs for pick up at : Office at 1702 Pearl St, Waukesha

Another great reminder is the left is fighting dirty, we need to fight smart.

Here are the potential recall Senators, please find yours and help out or if you can help them all.
Mary Lazich, R-New Berlin

Glenn Grothman, R-West Bend

Sheila Harsdorf, R-River Falls

Dan Kapanke, R-La Crosse

Robert Cowles R-Green Bay

Alberta Darling, R-River Hills

Randy Hopper, R-Fond du Lac

Luther Olsen, R-Ripon.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thank you Wisconsin Democrats!

Thank you Wisconsin Democrats!

Thank you Wisconsin Democrats for being such bad losers.

Thank you Wisconsin Democrats for showing the world how entitled the public sector unions really are.

Thank you Wisconsin Democrats for showing the world what babies you are.

Thank you Wisconsin Democrats for showing the world how rabid you are.

Thank you Wisconsin Democrats for showing the world how to act like a mob.

Thank you Wisconsin Democrats for showing the world that you REALLY work for the union bosses.

Thank you Wisconsin Democrats for showing us how to stay strong!!!

Thank you Wisconsin Senate and Assembly.

Go Scott Walker !

Like the T shirt? get one here. Support Wisconsin business.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Non-productive time on the union dime.

Ever since the Walker proposals and Budget Repair Bill, the pro-union staff I work with has been in meltdown. Little work is being done as people huddle around complaining about Walker and the Republicans. Most everyone knows I'm conservative and it was OK because we just work together. Now there is palpable anger. I walk into the room and people stop talking and I have overheard several times what a  "stupid drop out" Walker is. This is getting old. I don't even try to debate anyone because they have no facts, only anger. I really want to say do you know how selfish you sound. There are over 10% of the population out of work and you are complaining about the potential for benefit reduction. Most of these folks can retire already but stay on for backdrops. I  understand these benefits were given to these folks but the gravy train is over,... we are out of money. The nurses station is littered with pro-union talking points and memo's. If I would put up a Support Walker sign someone would rip it down, or slash my tires. How sad.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Union call to push for more action

Where I work all nurses must join the union. I would never choose this but maybe when the Walker Budget Repair Bill is finally enacted I will have a choice to leave. I have learned over the last 5 years that unions are only an arm of the democrat party, they are completely partisan and my dues that go to their political action goals to support politicians I completely oppose. This has corrupted public sector unions which can now fund elections to promote democrat politicians that give them what they want. If this was a process that the republican party was involved in there would be an outrage.

Tonight I had a telephone conference call to all AFT union members where I listened to union leaders talk about ramping it up and working even harder to defeat Walker. In addition to working to kill the Repair Bill they are outraged with the budget plan that was just introduced. I had to hang up, I couldn't listen anymore. Just a bunch of goons.

There is another support Walker rally on Sunday. I will try to attend.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Christian Convert Said Musa Released!

Thank you everyone who called, wrote or email Sec. Clinton and the State Department.
Our troops are in Afghanistan. We are there to help transformed their country, we don’t ask them to convert to Christianity but we cannot let them kill Christians.  Andrea has the story.

Musa was one of about 25 Christians arrested on May 31, 2010, after a May 27 Noorin TV program showed video of a worship service held by indigenous Afghan Christians; he was arrested as he attempted to seek asylum at the German embassy. He converted to Christianity eight years ago, is the father of six young children, had a leg amputated after he stepped on a landmine while serving in the Afghan Army, and now has a prosthetic leg. His oldest child is eight and one is disabled (she cannot speak). He worked for the Red Cross/Red Crescent as an adviser to other amputees.

Please continue your prayers for this man and his family and for their continued safety in Italy.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Help report the doctors who are committing fraud.

I saw the signs in Madison Saturday to get fake sick notes. Help report the doctors who are committing fraud.

The democrat Fleebaggers are still missing.

The Fleebagging democrat senators are still missing. I'm glad to hear that the Wisconsin senate Republicans will be starting on Tuesday to vote on non-fiscal legislation. Yea!! Voter ID.

The Teachers union knows that they are losing  the battle and they have told teachers to go back to work. The Madison teachers are still calling in sick and they have shut down and closed Madison schools.

Archbishop Listecki's gave us a statement on Workers' Rights and Unions. Archbishop, please take care of the bankruptcy problem and stop embarrassing yourself with social justice statements. Your statement says that difficult economic times call for hard choices and financial responsibility. OK. the state is in difficult economic times also.

That's all for now....


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Andrew Breitbart in Madison

I read my share of conservative blogs and I love what Andrew Breitbart has done to dominate the media. I also read Gateway Pundit and I saw Jim Hoft in Madison also. Great folks, and we are glad to have these patriots on our side.

Here is a little of Andrew speaking.

They abandoned the children...Support Gov. Walker Tea party rally Madiso...

Hubby and I spent the day in Madison in support of Gov. Walker.

I live in the conservative suburbs and find it unwelcoming in the liberal enclave of Madistan as some people refer to it.

We were going to meet in Waukesha to take the bus to the rally. When the bus arrived, there were 5 x's more protesters than buses so we talked with the crowd and we caravaned to Madison (about one hour away) and meet up at Badger Bowl (Thank you Badger Bowl!!!) where they had shuttle buses to the rally downtown.

We met the president of the College Republicans and her group drove over 4 hours to attend. Nice to see young folks there. Most people were our age, 40-50.

There were not too many teachers visible, I guess they work at protesting Monday -Friday when they are paid and can abandon their children. Saturday is their day off so the space belonged to the Walker supporters.

The TEA Party and the Madison protest

Jerry and I will be leaving for the TEA party rally to support Gov. Walker. Family will be home watching the kids. I don't want them subjected to union thuggery.

My question is, why force me to join a nurses union to work, use my contributions to support democrat politician who I disagree with and make it difficult to opt out. If I opt out, that is, contribute but not be in the union, they take away my malpractice insurance. Does this sound fair? If anything republicans learned with obama's elections, unions are just an arm of the democrat party. No more no less. Try to stop them and they will turn violent.


Sunday, January 09, 2011

Christmas break

This is my Christmas break and I so badly needed it. I am exhausted. School is getting brutal but only 10 1/2 months to go. Countdown....
I had such as easy time at Stritch for my first degree in the 80's but I am now 50 and the brain doesn't work like it used to. Memorizing new material like serotonin and dopamine transmitters, psychopharmacology and DSM-IV is a challenge but I will complete grad school and I will pass certification and become a PMHNP. Goodness knows my children inspire me to know more about mental illness. 

But I will enjoy the last week of rest and relaxation before I hit the books again.